Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jenna. Mar 23. Being [Green]

Since [green] week was left to our own interpretation, I wanted my last [green] week pic to address something our family tries to incorporate: Making conscious choices to be [Green]. I'd hate to throw the label "environmental" on this, but we are trying to use less, conserve more, and re-purpose whenever possible. [Your basic Reuse, Reduce, Recycle philosophy, just maybe toned down a notch. We do what we can.]

And, speaking of "can" - we are discovering how much less it costs and how much less packaging we use to make orange juice from a can (in concentrate), rather than buying it already made in the store. Wow. I'm headed to Sam's tomorrow to grab OJ in bulk. [Like any decisions, we weigh the pros and cons, and there are some times when buying the juice in the carton is perfectly acceptable - particularly if I have a great coupon.]

Here's Colby posing with the OJ he helped me make today. He really loves seeing himself in the camera so he will hardly hold still while I'm capturing the shot. He'll make a great photographer.

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