Monday, April 12, 2010

Jenna. Apr 10. Carlee Blur.

Today Carlee is 17 months old. It has become harder and harder to get her to sit still for a picture these days! And, this week she started walking. I mean, really walking without help or squeezing my fingers off. Colby and Kennedy still love to hold on to her hands when she walks. She still loves this too.

I've always thought that the age of 10 months through 17 months is so hard, at least for my kiddos... They are gaining their independence and yet still very much dependent on mama. They are caught in between being a baby and being a big kid. I really can't explain it other than to say that I can see the end of this stage and I'm hopeful. Very very hopeful for what is to come.

Toddlerhood = not for the faint of heart.

Brushing her beautiful red hair. Saying "yeez" [cheese] for the camera. Moving all the while.

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