Thursday, December 30, 2010

Amanda: Day 296. Czhilispiel.

Czhilispiel is a festival held in Flatonia, Texas every year, complete with a czhili cook off, pepper eating contest, a carnival and some good ol' polka music. What is czhili, you ask? Why it's chili with a czech twist. Im lucky enough to friends with the Svatek clan who invite me and host me every year. I love hanging out with them because they are just too much fun! Here's some pics from the day.

From Amanda's 365 Project

New Friends.

From Amanda's 365 Project
Potato Sack Slide, Part I.

From Amanda's 365 Project

Potato Sack Slide, Part II.

From Amanda's 365 Project

Potato Sack Slide, Part III. (Every time I see this picture, I giggle. I would subtitle this picture "Ohmygosh!")

From Amanda's 365 Project

The Men Folk.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks for sharing. I didn't even make it to the fairway this year to see the girls having fun. ~hug~
