Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 10

I almost made it! Dang. Sorry Day 9, you don't exist. Maybe there will be two pictures tomorrow to make up for it.
My name is Alicia (who knew?). I am 26 (yikes!), 5'6", enough pounds, reddish hair, etc. Please don't put me on eHarmony. :-) I have known Amanda since middle school, and I have known most of you since my time at A&M. I got my B.S. degree in Kinesiology, and am currently in school at Texas Chiropractic College. I will be a fully ceritified Doctor of Chiropractic in December of 2011, and it can't come fast enough!
Okay, this picture is cheating a little bit because Jenna actually took this LAST Sunday night, but it's the most recent picture that I have of myself, and you do NOT want to see me today! Mostly I use my Blackberry phone to take pictures, and so far they have turned out okay. I have no idea how to edit pictures other than to crop them, so.... yeah. This will either be a good chance for me to learn, or a good chance for you all to see my life un-edited. :-) I made turkey, basil, and zucchini lasagna the night that we took this picture, and I was rather proud of myself.
It's great to meet those of you that I didn't know before, and I'm excited that we're all doing this project together! You will get to see my life during my last full year of classes (EVER!). After Fall 2010, I will be spending most of my time in the clinic doing my "interning/residency", with only a few class hours left. So, hooray for 2010! Hopefully this project will make the year go even faster.
Happy Monday!

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