Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jami - Day 10

Allow me to introduce myself. I know Amanda through my husband Jay (who you will meet tomorrow). They were in Percussion Studio together at A&M. So without giving the entire internet world too much information - I’m a runner. In fact, I ran a half marathon this morning. Go me! This is why you can’t see my face in the picture. I’m exhausted and I look it. If you want to see me, go back to the day 1 picture.

I’m trying to learn more about photography because I really enjoy finding that perfect picture. So far I have used the Olympus Stylus (point and shoot) for this project. My fancy camera is a Canon xTi. I’m still learning how to use it and this is good practice. I love food but I don’t love to cook. I’m more of a Baker. Jay and I love to travel and spend time with our family when we can. (Sounds like a personal ad - I like long walks on the beach too!)


  1. I'm jealous of your fancy camera AND your running skills. I really want to be a runner, I just can't get myself motivation on a continual basis. :D

  2. Yes Baker is my skill, my nickname and most importantly my maiden name. :)
